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Lots of gooey mud for you to roll around in like the dirty bitch you are." Claire was silent, a single tear of humiliation rolling down her left cheek.Christina produced a pair of handcuffs from her purse and handed them to me. I ordered Claire to put her hands behind her back, clipping the handcuffs around her wrists. I then dangled the handcuff key in front of Claire and tossed it into the middle of the muddy patch."Fetch it, whore," I ordered, "Now." Resignedly, Claire began to shuffle forwards on her knees, falling onto her side on the grass. The crowd cheered and laughed as she fell over. Claire squirmed on the grass, attempting to right herself, but found herself unable to do so. She then began to crawl on her belly over the grass to the muddy pool. She paused as she reached the edge and then gingerly wriggled into the mud. The dark sticky mud oozed up her body with a pleasing squelching sound. Desperately she tried to keep her face and hair out of the icky mud but without. ." He said apologetically, as he made for the barn. He only took 2 steps and turned around, and lightly kissed her."Farewell" He breathed, as he strode off. faye's heart had skipped a beat.She could still feel his lips on hers.Faye looked up, someone was comign down the stairs. Link maybe?? But no, it was the man who had captured her. She stood up and raced over to the doors."Who are you, and what do you want?!" She spat."Settle down foolish child, you are worth nothing to me" He sneered. " Ohh. but your father would pay a good price to have you set free now wouldn't he?" He laughed in an evil tone."Link will come for me!" She protested."Im afraid he's dead" He said and Faye's knees buckled beneath her."No, he can't be!" She whispered. She looked up at him sharply."Your lying!!" She stood up so fast, even he flinched backwards."But how do you know for sure?" He said laughing hollowly, and left Faye in the cold darkness. As she cried herself to sleep, she thought to herself, Link can't.
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